
Etica Group K-12 Services


K-12 Services



June 9, 2023
Megan Scott

Roof Management Plan
A roof management plan provides building owners with an overall assessment and status of their roof to keep unnecessary costs down. This includes recommendations on repairs, maintenance upkeep, schedule, and gives building owners the benefit of keeping track of their building’s current conditions, allowing them to budget and plan accordingly. If you do not look at the condition of your building on a regular basis it can get serious, fast.


Leak Investigation
Thermography (thermal photography) is used to look for variations in the heat distribution to determine whether the building is losing its energy efficiency. If you’ve had a roof leak and the insulation within the roof system is wet, it distributes the heat energy differently. This allows us see if and where the insulation is wet to test it later and identify whether there is really moisture in the system and if we need to replace it.


Site Permitting
Depending on the size of the project, you will need a local stormwater permit and if it is over 1 acre of disturbed soil, you will also need an Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSGP). We recommend starting the permitting process immediately, because depending on the location of the project, the permitting process can take a minimum of 9 months. Most locations are 3-6 months for the local drainage permit approval.


Site Design
At 30%, 60% and 90% design completion we provide school districts with the plans for review and comment before progressing with the design. Once 90% has been completed, we finalize the construction documents to put the project out to bid for a contractor to build it.

Typical components of the site design infrastructure include parking, vehicular flow/routes, ADA compliance, property acquisition, zoning compliance, crosswalks and sidewalks, utilities, playgrounds, and athletic facilities.


Site Management Plan
When done properly, a Site Management Plan can help you develop a year-by-year cost estimate for site maintenance allowing an owner to budget accordingly and identify potential site issues before a problem arises. This includes drainage and erosion, utilities, sidewalks, pavement, landscaping, and ensuring all facilities are ADA compliant.


Bus Transportation Facilities
Student transportation is critical to the operations of any school district. Bus storage often appear simple on the outside but there are design features and systems that make them unique and complex such as, vehicle sizes, turning movements, and clear heights. These elements must be carefully studied to ensure maneuvering is safe and efficient for the bus operators. A typical bus parking space is 12’ wide by 40’ long. It is preferred that any storage area allow for forward transitions to avoid backing up.


Maintenance Facilities
It is important to begin any project learning about how the space will be used and with what frequency. Obviously, there are some key differences between a classroom environment, offices, and maintenance facilities. However, the maintenance area is still a workspace! It is important to incorporate good lighting, natural light, and a clean environment for the maintenance staff. These features will enhance their work environment and increase productivity.

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